Studium Generale

hosted by the Shire of Calanais Nuadh

March 29, 2025

St. Robert Bellarmine Fellowship Hall
367 Old Rte. 66, St. Robert, MO 65584

Site opens at 8 a.m., and closes at 7 p.m.
The site is dry (no alcohol), with an exception for brewing-related classes.

Event Registration Information

Adult Registration: $15
Adult Member Discount Registration: $5
Youth/Child Registration (17 and under): $0
Pre-registration is not available. Cash or checks only; checks can be made payable to "SCA, Inc. - Shire of Calanais Nuadh"


This is a RUSH event. All classes, all day long!

Instructor Signup Form

or contact one of the event stewards with class details

**Signup deadline is March 17**

Event Stewards
HL Catin of Edington (mka Cathy Glueck) - - (573) 855-0879
Mistress Roselyn of Aberdeen (mka Rose Blair)- - (573) 308-5207


An Inn will be available on-site at midday, provided by Amtgard's Barony of Seven Rivers Forge. Payment is by donation.

Tentative menu:
  • Barley, mushroom stew (vegetarian)
  • Chicken hand pies or Venison hand pies
  • Cheeses
  • Hard-boiled eggs
  • Seasonal fruits
  • Bread & spreads
  • Tea
  • Mulled cider
  • Tarts and sweets

Class Descriptions

Current as of 3/8/2025. Subject to changes/additions/cancellations.

Anything Can Be Made Gluten Free If You Try Hard Enough
Skallagrimr Barðarson
Learn the fundamentals of gluten free cooking, how to find gluten free ingredients, when and what to substitute for gluten, and naturally gluten free alternatives to common gluten containing dishes.

Basic Japanese Hand Looping
Nakos Theodorosides
An introduction to the basic moves and two simple braids of Japanese Hand Looping.

Basic Leatherworking: Mugstrap to Go
Thomas Fleischacker
Hands on, make a mugstrap. There will be 10 kits available.

Beyond the Fringe
Dyrfinna Tonnudottir
We'll discuss several different methods of finishing your weaving including variations on the hemstich, twisted fringe, and blind hems.

Brewing Vinegar
Emeline de Moulineaux
Learn the history & importance of vinegar in medieval times. Then discover how to make your own vinegar.

Cyrillic Made Easy
Margery of Penrith
Does the Cyrillic alphabet look like gibberish to you? This class will show you an easy way decode it into something that’s readable or pronounceable, even if the only language you know is English. We’ll be looking at the modern Cyrillic alphabet as used in Russian, with brief mentions of period languages such as Old Church Slavonic. No foreign language experience needed.

Delightful Doubleweave
Diachbha the Weaver and Rebeca la Chienne
Doubleweave isn't hard! Come learn its intricacies. We'll have three looms set up for loom-controlled doubleweave, double-width doubleweave, and pick-up doubleweave, along with a wide variety of samples and resources. Come play and learn and nerd out about weaving.

Early Days of the Calontir Army: A Rambling History
Sir Lars Vilhjalmsson
Stories about the Calontir Army at Pennsic, Estrella, and Gulf Wars, before 1990.

Eat the Four Humors
Ysabel de la Oya
A hands-on class where we will make and then eat a dish from each of the four humors, while talking about humor theory. All dishes will be vegan or vegetarian. Donations for food accepted but not required.

Evaluating Pots for Buyers and Makers
Sir Lars Vilhjalmsson
Hourlong examination of a variety of pots with tips on detecting qualities and flaws.

The First Printed Celestial Atlas - De la Stella Fisse
Jon Chesey
Published in 1540, De la Stella Fisse (On the Fixed Stars) is regarded by historians as the first celestial atlas - providing an exploration of each of the constellations, diagrams, and tables to find them in the sky. It was written in Italian instead of scholarly Latin as it was written for Nobilissima Laudomia Forteguerri, who had lamented that, as a woman, she was not allowed to pursue astronomy. In this class, we'll explore the history and content of this historic text.

The Flame Haired Stars - Comets in the SCA Period
Jon Chesey
This class explores the history of comets throughout the SCA period looking at the understanding of what these objects were as well as how authors in period described several notable comets.

Heraldry for Beginners
Dyrfinna Tonnudottir
For the heraldic-curious - have you ever wondered about the difference between per chevron and per pile? Or why you should register your name and arms? Join us for a brief primer on heraldry, and the tea on the Real Heralds of Calontir…

How to Teach a RUSH Class
Roselyn of Aberdeen
Tips for teaching.

Inclusive Cooking: Planning an Inclusive Feast
Skallagrimr Barðarson
Learn how to plan a menu that considers the three largest groups of feast goers, carnivores, vegans, and gluten free.

Ideas for Children's Activities
Roselyn of Aberdeen
List of things to do for Children's activities at an event or war.

Indigenous Languages: How it is all connected
Walks Upon Scorched Earth
The class will explore the different linguistic regions and travel for Indigenous Tribes.

Introduction to Leatherwork
Oleg Veleslavich
We will be making a simple 2 piece leather coin pouch using basic tools. The students will learn to cut, edge, dye, glue, and hand stitch this simple and attractive project. $15 class cost to cover leather and supplies. Limit 6 students.

Medieval Medicinal Herbs in Calontir
Cecilia de Gatisbury
Many medicinal herbs used in medieval Europe can today be found growing in Calontir or they have close relatives that are native to these lands. This class will cover in detail several plants such as Self-Heal, Elderberry, Stinging Nettles, and others, providing information about how to identify them, medieval and modern herbal uses, and the science behind their medicinal properties.

Mini 6 Board Chest
Dammo Utwiler
We will make a mini 6 board chest to introduce the techniques to make a full size 6 board chest.

Queen's Prize Documentation
Ysabel de la Oya
What to Expect and How to Write Documentation for Queen's Prize.

Quick & Easy Medieval Hair for the Complete Beginner
Emeline de Moulineaux
Learn some quick and easy ways to cover your hair to look more medieval. This class focuses primarily on women's hair coverings in the European Middle Age.

Slavic Egg Decorating: Make-and-Take
Margery of Penrith
Design and make your own decorated egg using a traditional dye and wax-resist method (commonly called "pysanky"). Limited to 8 hands-on students, but observers are welcome. All supplies provided. Involves messy dyes, hot wax, and open candle flame.

The Reader's Room
Sir Lars Vilhjalmsson
Reading aloud from texts about the SCA, the Middle Ages, and historical fiction.

Re-Thinking Footwork for Rapier and Cut and Thrust
Sir Lars Vilhjalmsson
Demonstration and discussion without actual weapons or kit required. No drills either.